Educational Administration
Rosh Yeshiva & Executive Director
Rabbi Dr. Yehuda Seif is a scholar and community builder whose dream it has been to open an integrated yeshiva/midrasha program.
He studied at Yeshivat Har Etzion and received his ordination from Rav Zalman Nechemiah Goldberg. He received his BA from Columbia College, his MA in Religion and Education from Columbia's Teacher's College, and Israeli Teacher Certification from Herzog College. He was a fellow at the Center for Jewish Law and Contemporary Civilization at the Cardozo School of Law, and he completed his PhD in Religious Studies at University of Pennsylvania. Rabbi Seif has extensive formal and informal educational experience teaching and leading programs for high school and college students. He served as a Senior Program Officer at the Tikvah Fund, a foundation devoted to Jewish excellence and promoting serious Jewish thought about the enduring questions of human life and the pressing challenges that confront the Jewish people. After initiating a high school scholars program at the foundation, R' Seif taught Tikvah Scholars classes at Kohelet Yeshiva High School, focusing on the intersection between Jewish law, thought and Western Humanities. He served as the Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus educator at the University of Pennsylvania from 2002-2006.
He, along with his wife Orit and their five sons currently live in Efrat.
Contact Rabbi Dr. Seif
Rosh Yeshiva & Executive Director
Rabbi Dr. Yehuda Seif is a scholar and community builder whose dream it has been to open an integrated yeshiva/midrasha program.
He studied at Yeshivat Har Etzion and received his ordination from Rav Zalman Nechemiah Goldberg. He received his BA from Columbia College, his MA in Religion and Education from Columbia's Teacher's College, and Israeli Teacher Certification from Herzog College. He was a fellow at the Center for Jewish Law and Contemporary Civilization at the Cardozo School of Law, and he completed his PhD in Religious Studies at University of Pennsylvania. Rabbi Seif has extensive formal and informal educational experience teaching and leading programs for high school and college students. He served as a Senior Program Officer at the Tikvah Fund, a foundation devoted to Jewish excellence and promoting serious Jewish thought about the enduring questions of human life and the pressing challenges that confront the Jewish people. After initiating a high school scholars program at the foundation, R' Seif taught Tikvah Scholars classes at Kohelet Yeshiva High School, focusing on the intersection between Jewish law, thought and Western Humanities. He served as the Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus educator at the University of Pennsylvania from 2002-2006.
He, along with his wife Orit and their five sons currently live in Efrat.
Contact Rabbi Dr. Seif
Rabbi Aaron Bayer is an experienced and talented educator who has built exciting programs and strengthened Jewish day schools in the United States. Rabbi Bayer has a BA in Bible from Yeshiva College, an MA in educational administration from Columbia Teachers College and was ordained at RIETS/Yeshiva University. Rabbi Bayer was also Wexner Graduate Fellow. Rabbi Bayer served as the Judaic Studies Principal of the Seattle Hebrew Academy and was previously the Director of Student Life at the Fuchs Mizrachi School in Cleveland, OH, as well as a Judaic teacher at SAR Academy in New York. Much of Rabbi Bayer's youth was spent in Bnei Akiva and at Camp Moshava. As a professional, Rabbi Bayer has served in a variety of educational roles both at Camp Moshava IO and Camp Stone. He was also the Director of Bnei Akiva of North America’s AMI/March of the Living program. Rabbi Bayer made Aliyah in 2014 with his wife, Micol, and their three children.
Contact Rabbi Bayer
Rabbi Aaron Bayer is an experienced and talented educator who has built exciting programs and strengthened Jewish day schools in the United States. Rabbi Bayer has a BA in Bible from Yeshiva College, an MA in educational administration from Columbia Teachers College and was ordained at RIETS/Yeshiva University. Rabbi Bayer was also Wexner Graduate Fellow. Rabbi Bayer served as the Judaic Studies Principal of the Seattle Hebrew Academy and was previously the Director of Student Life at the Fuchs Mizrachi School in Cleveland, OH, as well as a Judaic teacher at SAR Academy in New York. Much of Rabbi Bayer's youth was spent in Bnei Akiva and at Camp Moshava. As a professional, Rabbi Bayer has served in a variety of educational roles both at Camp Moshava IO and Camp Stone. He was also the Director of Bnei Akiva of North America’s AMI/March of the Living program. Rabbi Bayer made Aliyah in 2014 with his wife, Micol, and their three children.
Contact Rabbi Bayer
Founder, TVA; Director, Bnei Akiva of the United States and Canada
Rabbi Shaul Feldman is the Executive Director of Bnei Akiva of the US and Canada and just recently served as the campaign manager for the Religious Zionist Party in the World Zionist Congress elections. He received smicha from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and a law degree from Bar Ilan Law School. Today, Rabbi Feldman is a highly admired Rav both in Israel and North America and mixes a keen mind with humor and a down to earth nature. After serving as a paratrooper in the IDF, he went on to teach in the Kerem B’Yavneh overseas program, Stern College and Torah Mi’Zion Kollel. In the past six years, Rabbi Feldman built a network of Bnei Akiva Shlichim (Israeli emissaries) sent to North America, consisting of 11 families and over 20 young shlichim. He also founded the new Moshava Ba'ir day camp network that serves close to 1,000 campers in several states. Most recently, he founded Yeshivat and Midreshet Torah v'Avodah. Rabbi Feldman is married to Libby and has 5 children.
Contact Rabbi Feldman
Founder, TVA; Director, Bnei Akiva of the United States and Canada
Rabbi Shaul Feldman is the Executive Director of Bnei Akiva of the US and Canada and just recently served as the campaign manager for the Religious Zionist Party in the World Zionist Congress elections. He received smicha from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and a law degree from Bar Ilan Law School. Today, Rabbi Feldman is a highly admired Rav both in Israel and North America and mixes a keen mind with humor and a down to earth nature. After serving as a paratrooper in the IDF, he went on to teach in the Kerem B’Yavneh overseas program, Stern College and Torah Mi’Zion Kollel. In the past six years, Rabbi Feldman built a network of Bnei Akiva Shlichim (Israeli emissaries) sent to North America, consisting of 11 families and over 20 young shlichim. He also founded the new Moshava Ba'ir day camp network that serves close to 1,000 campers in several states. Most recently, he founded Yeshivat and Midreshet Torah v'Avodah. Rabbi Feldman is married to Libby and has 5 children.
Contact Rabbi Feldman
Rabbanit Malke Bina is the founder and chancellor of Matan.
Matan's creation in 1988 pioneered women's learning institutions in Israel and abroad through its high level Talmud Beit Midrash and Masters Tanakh Scholars programs, its international Bat Mitzvah program and many other learning initiatives. In her role as teacher of Bible, Gemara and Jewish law, Rabbanit Bina has introduced hundreds of women of all ages to the joy of advanced level Judaic studies.
Contact Rabbanit Bina
Rabbanit Malke Bina is the founder and chancellor of Matan.
Matan's creation in 1988 pioneered women's learning institutions in Israel and abroad through its high level Talmud Beit Midrash and Masters Tanakh Scholars programs, its international Bat Mitzvah program and many other learning initiatives. In her role as teacher of Bible, Gemara and Jewish law, Rabbanit Bina has introduced hundreds of women of all ages to the joy of advanced level Judaic studies.
Contact Rabbanit Bina
Administrator of Israel Programs for Bnei Akiva of North America Michelle Kaplansky is the Administrator of Israel Programs for Bnei Akiva of North America. She was born and raised in Chicago and is a graduate of Bnei Akiva’s Hachshara program and Stern College. She currently splits her time between TVA, where she coordinates many of the program’s administrative and logistical needs, and Mach Hach BaAretz, where she’s been part of the administrative team for the past fifteen years. She made Aliyah with her family 20 years ago, lives in Chashmonaim, and is the proud mother of five and grandmother of three. Contact Michelle Kaplansky |
Program Director Sarina Miller earned a B.A. in Jewish Studies and Biology at Yeshiva University, and an M.A. in Biology Education from Columbia University. Sarina worked as a program coordinator on various gap year programs in Israel, is a graduate of the Bellows Eshkolot Institute for Tanakh and Jewish Studies, at Matan. She is also the coordinator for Matan's Summer Experience and Advanced Tanakh Summer Institute. She currently teaches Neviim Rishonim and runs the educational programming for TVA. |
Em Bayit Abby was born and raised in Albany New York, and after high school, Abby made Aliyah and spent 2 years at Michlelet M'vaseret Yerushalayim (MMY). Abby studied English literature at Bar-Ilan University and is a certified life coach. For the past 10 years, Abby has been involved in a number of post high school seminaries. Her roles have included informal education, em-Bayit, and program coordinator. Abby is married to Shaun and they have 4 children, Elisheva, Yehoshua, Chana, and Ami all of whom can't wait to can't wait to be your home away from home here in Israel! Feel free to be in touch with Abby with any questions or concerns you might have, particularly regarding living arrangements. Contact Abby |
Guidance Counselor
Dina Kessler, M.Sc. serves as our program's guidance counselor. She received her masters in Clinical Sociology from the University of North Texas and works as a therapist at the Family Institute, a mental health clinic in Jerusalem. She has a B.A. from Stern College in Psychology and Judaic studies and focused on a career in education before turning to mental health. She pursued a Master's degree in Tanach at the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Yeshiva University and taught Judaic Studies at Jewish Day Schools in N.Y. and Cleveland where she also taught as part of the MaTan Bat Mitzvah Program. Since making aliya in 2007, she has worked as a Rakezet Chinuchi at Midresht Lindenbaum, as well as both teaching and serving as a counselor. She lives in Gush Etzion with her husband and five children.
Contact Dena
Guidance Counselor
Dina Kessler, M.Sc. serves as our program's guidance counselor. She received her masters in Clinical Sociology from the University of North Texas and works as a therapist at the Family Institute, a mental health clinic in Jerusalem. She has a B.A. from Stern College in Psychology and Judaic studies and focused on a career in education before turning to mental health. She pursued a Master's degree in Tanach at the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Yeshiva University and taught Judaic Studies at Jewish Day Schools in N.Y. and Cleveland where she also taught as part of the MaTan Bat Mitzvah Program. Since making aliya in 2007, she has worked as a Rakezet Chinuchi at Midresht Lindenbaum, as well as both teaching and serving as a counselor. She lives in Gush Etzion with her husband and five children.
Contact Dena
Mashgichot Ruchaniot
These talented educators will teach, learn b'chavruta with our students, and host our students throughout the year in their homes!
Ra"m, Tanach Coordinator, Mashgicha Ruchanit
Rabbanit Shani Taragin completed a B.A. and M.A. in Tanach and Talmud at Bar-Ilan University. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D in Tanach while serving as Ram for Tanach in Midreshet Lindenbaum. She also teaches collegiates and adults at MaTaN, Migdal Oz, Sha'alvim for Women, Lander's College, and the Womens' Beit Midrash in Efrat and Ramat Shilo. Shani is a graduate of Nishmat’s Keren Ariel Program for certification as a halachic advisor in issues of family purity law. She lectures and leads Tanach tours throughout Israel and serves on the local religious council dealing with issues of Jewish law and education. Shani and her husband Reuven live in Alon Shvut with their six children and serve as leaders of the Beit Midrash Program in Camp Moshava.
Contact Rabbanit Taragin
Ra"m, Tanach Coordinator, Mashgicha Ruchanit
Rabbanit Shani Taragin completed a B.A. and M.A. in Tanach and Talmud at Bar-Ilan University. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D in Tanach while serving as Ram for Tanach in Midreshet Lindenbaum. She also teaches collegiates and adults at MaTaN, Migdal Oz, Sha'alvim for Women, Lander's College, and the Womens' Beit Midrash in Efrat and Ramat Shilo. Shani is a graduate of Nishmat’s Keren Ariel Program for certification as a halachic advisor in issues of family purity law. She lectures and leads Tanach tours throughout Israel and serves on the local religious council dealing with issues of Jewish law and education. Shani and her husband Reuven live in Alon Shvut with their six children and serve as leaders of the Beit Midrash Program in Camp Moshava.
Contact Rabbanit Taragin
Mashgicha Ruchanit, Ra"m
Dr. Tamara Spitz is a noted speaker, engaging audiences in English, Hebrew or Spanish. Most recently she was on shlichut to Montevideo, Uruguay, where she worked as the Jewish Studies Principal of one of the main Jewish schools in the country, and where her husband served as Chief Rabbi.
Dr. Spitz over 20 years’ experience teaching Judaic Studies in both formal and informal frameworks to all ages and backgrounds. She has taught in numerous women's seminaries a range of Judaic topics from Talmud, Tanach, and Halacha. She was previously Assistant Director of the Midreshet Tzvia in Jerusalem. For the past 10 years, Dr. Spitz has been learning and teaching Daf Yomi to a group of women that meet daily in Alon Shvut. Dr. Spitz is a Professional Healthcare Practitioner with over 18 years experience in Women’s Health. She is also a dancer and choreographer, having preformed in and trained groups for multiple “women for women” dance shows in Israel.
Contact Dr. Spitz
Mashgicha Ruchanit, Ra"m
Dr. Tamara Spitz is a noted speaker, engaging audiences in English, Hebrew or Spanish. Most recently she was on shlichut to Montevideo, Uruguay, where she worked as the Jewish Studies Principal of one of the main Jewish schools in the country, and where her husband served as Chief Rabbi.
Dr. Spitz over 20 years’ experience teaching Judaic Studies in both formal and informal frameworks to all ages and backgrounds. She has taught in numerous women's seminaries a range of Judaic topics from Talmud, Tanach, and Halacha. She was previously Assistant Director of the Midreshet Tzvia in Jerusalem. For the past 10 years, Dr. Spitz has been learning and teaching Daf Yomi to a group of women that meet daily in Alon Shvut. Dr. Spitz is a Professional Healthcare Practitioner with over 18 years experience in Women’s Health. She is also a dancer and choreographer, having preformed in and trained groups for multiple “women for women” dance shows in Israel.
Contact Dr. Spitz
Ra"m, Mashgicha Ruchanit
Rabbanit Goldman Barash made aliyah from Philadelphia over 20 years ago after graduating from Stern College. She studied for three years in Matan’s Advanced Talmud Institute and finished a master’s degree in Talmud at Bar-Ilan University. She is a graduate of Nishmat’s Yoetzet Halacha program. Currently she is studying in Matan’s new Hilchata program, which is an advanced program in the area of Jewish law. Nechama lives in Gush Etzion with her husband and four daughters.
Ra"m, Mashgicha Ruchanit
Rabbanit Goldman Barash made aliyah from Philadelphia over 20 years ago after graduating from Stern College. She studied for three years in Matan’s Advanced Talmud Institute and finished a master’s degree in Talmud at Bar-Ilan University. She is a graduate of Nishmat’s Yoetzet Halacha program. Currently she is studying in Matan’s new Hilchata program, which is an advanced program in the area of Jewish law. Nechama lives in Gush Etzion with her husband and four daughters.
Mashgicha Ruchanit
Rabbanit Michal Jacob is a Mashgicha at TVA, where she teaches tanach and halachah classes. Previously, she taught at the Weinbaum Yeshiva High School in South Florida and at The Frisch School in New Jersey. At Frisch, she also served as Grade Dean and Israel Advisor. Michal made aliyah in 2015 and lives with her family in Modiin.
Mashgicha Ruchanit
Rabbanit Michal Jacob is a Mashgicha at TVA, where she teaches tanach and halachah classes. Previously, she taught at the Weinbaum Yeshiva High School in South Florida and at The Frisch School in New Jersey. At Frisch, she also served as Grade Dean and Israel Advisor. Michal made aliyah in 2015 and lives with her family in Modiin.
Ra"m, Moreh Derech
Rabbi Alan Haber has been involved in Torah education for over twenty-five years.
He is one of the founders of Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim (MMY), where he served as Director for 16 years. Prior to that, he taught high school girls at Bat Torah Academy in Suffern, NY and was Assistant Regional Director of New Jersey NCSY. He is a licensed tour guide, and is also an editor of the new English-language Koren Talmud Bavli. He has lectured widely in Israel and around the world, and many of his shiurim and publications can be seen on his Rabbi Haber is a graduate of Yeshivat Har Etzion and Yeshiva University. He lives in Alon Shvut, Gush Etzion with his wife and five children.
Ra"m, Moreh Derech
Rabbi Alan Haber has been involved in Torah education for over twenty-five years.
He is one of the founders of Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim (MMY), where he served as Director for 16 years. Prior to that, he taught high school girls at Bat Torah Academy in Suffern, NY and was Assistant Regional Director of New Jersey NCSY. He is a licensed tour guide, and is also an editor of the new English-language Koren Talmud Bavli. He has lectured widely in Israel and around the world, and many of his shiurim and publications can be seen on his Rabbi Haber is a graduate of Yeshivat Har Etzion and Yeshiva University. He lives in Alon Shvut, Gush Etzion with his wife and five children.
Tanach Ra"m
Rav Leibtag is one of the pioneers of Torah education via the Internet. His weekly essays on Parshat Ha'shavua, read by literally thousands of subscribers world wide, introduce a vibrant analytical approach to thematic study of the Bible and reflect over twenty years of experience as a student and teacher at Yeshivat Har Etzion in Israel. He was the founder of the Yeshiva's Virtual Bet Midrash and more recently founded the Tanach Study Center, which contains a full archive of his lectures in various formats. In addition to his educational responsibilities at Har Etzion, Rav Leibtag also lectures at Yeshivat Shaalvim, Yeshivat ha'Kotel, Midreshet Lindenbaum, and Orot College for Women. He has delivered lectures and teacher workshops extensively in Israel and the Diaspora.
Contact Rav Leibtag
Tanach Ra"m
Rav Leibtag is one of the pioneers of Torah education via the Internet. His weekly essays on Parshat Ha'shavua, read by literally thousands of subscribers world wide, introduce a vibrant analytical approach to thematic study of the Bible and reflect over twenty years of experience as a student and teacher at Yeshivat Har Etzion in Israel. He was the founder of the Yeshiva's Virtual Bet Midrash and more recently founded the Tanach Study Center, which contains a full archive of his lectures in various formats. In addition to his educational responsibilities at Har Etzion, Rav Leibtag also lectures at Yeshivat Shaalvim, Yeshivat ha'Kotel, Midreshet Lindenbaum, and Orot College for Women. He has delivered lectures and teacher workshops extensively in Israel and the Diaspora.
Contact Rav Leibtag
Halakha Ra"m
Rabbi Brofsky has taught gemara and halacha in Yeshivot and Midrashot in Israel for almost 20 years. He received his BA and MA from Yeshiva University, and his ordination from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel while studying and teaching in Yeshivat Har Etzion. He is also currently a senior faculty member at Midreshet Lindenbaum and writes a weekly halakha shiur for the Virtual Beit Midrash (VBM). Rabbi Brofsky is the author of Hilchot Tefilla: A Comprehensive Guide to the Laws of Daily Prayer, and the recently published Hilkhot Moadim: Understanding the Jewish Festivals. He lives in Alon Shevut with his wife, Mali, and four children.
Halakha Ra"m
Rabbi Brofsky has taught gemara and halacha in Yeshivot and Midrashot in Israel for almost 20 years. He received his BA and MA from Yeshiva University, and his ordination from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel while studying and teaching in Yeshivat Har Etzion. He is also currently a senior faculty member at Midreshet Lindenbaum and writes a weekly halakha shiur for the Virtual Beit Midrash (VBM). Rabbi Brofsky is the author of Hilchot Tefilla: A Comprehensive Guide to the Laws of Daily Prayer, and the recently published Hilkhot Moadim: Understanding the Jewish Festivals. He lives in Alon Shevut with his wife, Mali, and four children.
Halacha Ra"m
Navit will be a Halacha Ra"m this year at TVA. After attending Pelech High School for Girls, Navit obtained a BA and Teacher’s Certificate from the Open University. She studied Talmud at the Beit Midrash for Women in Migdal Oz for five years attending Rav Lichtenstein’s advanced iyun gemara shiur and at the Advanced Talmud Institute at Matan for three years. She recently graduated the Advanced Halacha program at Midreshet Lindenbaum. Navit currently teaches at Nishmat and has taught Talmud and Halacha in a number of institutions including Matan, Midreshet Amit, Midreshet Tzvia, Michlelet Emuna and in Pelech and Noga High Schools.
Halacha Ra"m
Navit will be a Halacha Ra"m this year at TVA. After attending Pelech High School for Girls, Navit obtained a BA and Teacher’s Certificate from the Open University. She studied Talmud at the Beit Midrash for Women in Migdal Oz for five years attending Rav Lichtenstein’s advanced iyun gemara shiur and at the Advanced Talmud Institute at Matan for three years. She recently graduated the Advanced Halacha program at Midreshet Lindenbaum. Navit currently teaches at Nishmat and has taught Talmud and Halacha in a number of institutions including Matan, Midreshet Amit, Midreshet Tzvia, Michlelet Emuna and in Pelech and Noga High Schools.
Rabbi Ari Ze’ev Schwartz is the Co-founder and Dean of the Society of Independent Spirituality, an English-speaking learning center located in Jerusalem, that combines spirituality, Judaism, and Zionism. Rabbi Schwartz is originally from Sydney, Australia, and studied at the University of New South Wales majoring in music and film before coming to Jerusalem, where he studied for eight years in several Yeshivot located in the Old City. Rabbi Schwartz received his Rabbinical Ordination at the Sephardic Center in Jerusalem under Rabbi Yaakov Peretz, has an B.Ed from Hertzog's Teachers College, and is currently finishing a Master’s in Education at Hertzog. Previously, Rabbi Schwartz served as the Head Rabbi of Bnei Akiva’s Hachshara program for three and a half years. In addition, he teaches the writings of Rav Kook, Rebbe Nachman, Rav Shagar, Jewish Philosophy, and Tanach at several Yeshivot and Midrashot in Jerusalem. Rabbi Schwartz's first book, “The Spiritual Revolution of Rav Kook,” was published by Gefen, and came out in 2017. Rabbi Schwartz lives with his wife and two daughters in Nachlaot, Jerusalem.
Rabbi Ari Ze’ev Schwartz is the Co-founder and Dean of the Society of Independent Spirituality, an English-speaking learning center located in Jerusalem, that combines spirituality, Judaism, and Zionism. Rabbi Schwartz is originally from Sydney, Australia, and studied at the University of New South Wales majoring in music and film before coming to Jerusalem, where he studied for eight years in several Yeshivot located in the Old City. Rabbi Schwartz received his Rabbinical Ordination at the Sephardic Center in Jerusalem under Rabbi Yaakov Peretz, has an B.Ed from Hertzog's Teachers College, and is currently finishing a Master’s in Education at Hertzog. Previously, Rabbi Schwartz served as the Head Rabbi of Bnei Akiva’s Hachshara program for three and a half years. In addition, he teaches the writings of Rav Kook, Rebbe Nachman, Rav Shagar, Jewish Philosophy, and Tanach at several Yeshivot and Midrashot in Jerusalem. Rabbi Schwartz's first book, “The Spiritual Revolution of Rav Kook,” was published by Gefen, and came out in 2017. Rabbi Schwartz lives with his wife and two daughters in Nachlaot, Jerusalem.
Rabbi Dr. Harbater teaches “The Big Ideas of Jewish Thought” at MTVA and YTVA. He also teaches BA and MA level courses on the philosophy of education and on Jewish identity at Herzog College, and Jewish thought at the Gan Nachum high school in Rishon.
Rabbi Harbater received his Ph.D. in education from the University of Haifa and his semicha from Rav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg in Jerusalem. He lives with his family in Efrat.
Rabbi Dr. Harbater teaches “The Big Ideas of Jewish Thought” at MTVA and YTVA. He also teaches BA and MA level courses on the philosophy of education and on Jewish identity at Herzog College, and Jewish thought at the Gan Nachum high school in Rishon.
Rabbi Harbater received his Ph.D. in education from the University of Haifa and his semicha from Rav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg in Jerusalem. He lives with his family in Efrat.
Gemara Ra"m
Fran Miller holds a B.A. in Judaic Studies from Stern College and B.Ed. from Yeshivat Har Etzion’s Michlelet Herzog Teacher’s College. She spent a number of years learning and working as a madricha in Migdal Oz, and went on to study in the advanced Talmud programs in Matan and Migdal Oz.
Fran is a graduate of Nishmat's Keren Ariel Yoatzot Halacha program. She lives in Yerushalayim with her husband and children.
Gemara Ra"m
Fran Miller holds a B.A. in Judaic Studies from Stern College and B.Ed. from Yeshivat Har Etzion’s Michlelet Herzog Teacher’s College. She spent a number of years learning and working as a madricha in Migdal Oz, and went on to study in the advanced Talmud programs in Matan and Migdal Oz.
Fran is a graduate of Nishmat's Keren Ariel Yoatzot Halacha program. She lives in Yerushalayim with her husband and children.
Gemara Ra"m
Daphna Ansel-Nizan made aliyah from Toronto after studying for a year in Midreshet Lindenbaum. Following her national service, she completed her B.A. from Bar Ilan University in Tanach, Talmud, and Jewish Art, as well as her teaching certification. She has worked for the Lookstein Center for Jewish Education and taught in MMY, the Hartman high school for girls, as well as for many summers in Camp Moshava. She is a graduate of the Advanced Gemara Program in Migdal Oz, and is currently studying there in a new Halacha program.
Gemara Ra"m
Daphna Ansel-Nizan made aliyah from Toronto after studying for a year in Midreshet Lindenbaum. Following her national service, she completed her B.A. from Bar Ilan University in Tanach, Talmud, and Jewish Art, as well as her teaching certification. She has worked for the Lookstein Center for Jewish Education and taught in MMY, the Hartman high school for girls, as well as for many summers in Camp Moshava. She is a graduate of the Advanced Gemara Program in Migdal Oz, and is currently studying there in a new Halacha program.
Night Seder
Our groundbreaking night seder model leverages the local community, and combines learning with home hospitality!
Night Seder Coordinator
Avigayil Unterberg made aliyah from Cleveland, Ohio after studying for a year in Midreshet Nishmat. Following her national service at Mechon Hamikdash, she completed her B.A. from Bar Ilan University in Tanach and Political Science. She has worked at Midreshet Lindenbaum and Midreshet Nishmat, as well as many summers in Camp Stone and Mach Hach Ba'aretz. At TVA, She is a the night seder coordinator and teaches a class in "Shivat Tzion" .
Night Seder Coordinator
Avigayil Unterberg made aliyah from Cleveland, Ohio after studying for a year in Midreshet Nishmat. Following her national service at Mechon Hamikdash, she completed her B.A. from Bar Ilan University in Tanach and Political Science. She has worked at Midreshet Lindenbaum and Midreshet Nishmat, as well as many summers in Camp Stone and Mach Hach Ba'aretz. At TVA, She is a the night seder coordinator and teaches a class in "Shivat Tzion" .
Night Seder - Tanach B'Shana
Yifat originally hails from Teaneck, New Jersey. After spending a year and a half learning at Midreshet Harova, Yifat pursued a degree in Nutrition and Dietetics at Queens College. Yifat moved to Israel two years ago to study at Matan’s Bellows Eshkolot Educators program, and continued her studies this past year learning at Lapidot, a joint program between Mizrachi and Matan. Recently, she has worked at Midreshet Harova and OU-JLIC's Summer in Jerusalem. This year, Yifat will be teaching Tanach B'Shana during night seder.
Night Seder -Tanach B'Iyun
Sharona Margolin Halickman. BA in Judaic Studies, Stern College, Yeshiva University, MS in Jewish Education, Azrieli Graduate School, Yeshiva University. Sharona served as a Torat Miriam fellow, Atid fellow and Matan Bellows Eshkolot fellow. Originally from Riverdale, NY, Sharona was the first Madricha Ruchanit at the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale (1997-2004). She has been the founding director of Torat Reva Yerushalayim (an organization which provides Torah study groups for students of all ages and backgrounds including the elderly and those with special needs) since making aliya in 2004.
Sharona is the auhtor of Parsha Points: Torah from the Land of Israel and Parsha Points: More Torah from the Land of Israel. She also writes a weekly blog on the parsha for the Times of Israel. Sharona has served as a guest speaker and visiting scholar in communities throughout North America and Israel. Sharona lives in the Talpiot Arnona neighborhood of Jerusalem with her husband and children.
She will be teaching Tanach B'Iyun as part of the night seder program.
Night Seder -Tanach B'Iyun
Sharona Margolin Halickman. BA in Judaic Studies, Stern College, Yeshiva University, MS in Jewish Education, Azrieli Graduate School, Yeshiva University. Sharona served as a Torat Miriam fellow, Atid fellow and Matan Bellows Eshkolot fellow. Originally from Riverdale, NY, Sharona was the first Madricha Ruchanit at the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale (1997-2004). She has been the founding director of Torat Reva Yerushalayim (an organization which provides Torah study groups for students of all ages and backgrounds including the elderly and those with special needs) since making aliya in 2004.
Sharona is the auhtor of Parsha Points: Torah from the Land of Israel and Parsha Points: More Torah from the Land of Israel. She also writes a weekly blog on the parsha for the Times of Israel. Sharona has served as a guest speaker and visiting scholar in communities throughout North America and Israel. Sharona lives in the Talpiot Arnona neighborhood of Jerusalem with her husband and children.
She will be teaching Tanach B'Iyun as part of the night seder program.
Night Seder
Adina Cohen spent two years in Israel after graduating from high school. She spent the first year learning at Midreshet Nishmat and the second doing National Service at the Midrasha L'Yeda HaMikdash. Following that Adina earned her B.A from Stern College in Computer Science and Judaic Studies. There, she also started an incentivized women's bekiut program. Adina has been involved in informal education for many years both through Bnei Akiva and various fellowships and programs at YU. She made aliyah in August and will be teaching night seder at TVA this year.
Night Seder
Adina Cohen spent two years in Israel after graduating from high school. She spent the first year learning at Midreshet Nishmat and the second doing National Service at the Midrasha L'Yeda HaMikdash. Following that Adina earned her B.A from Stern College in Computer Science and Judaic Studies. There, she also started an incentivized women's bekiut program. Adina has been involved in informal education for many years both through Bnei Akiva and various fellowships and programs at YU. She made aliyah in August and will be teaching night seder at TVA this year.